Teacher Sends Note Home To First-Grade Class Saying They Can’t Eat If They Don’t Bring Food To Potluck

It's the Christmas season, so you'd think that that would put people in the giving mood. But sadly, one Mississippi teacher hasn't seen A Christmas Carol enough times to grasp the true meaning of the holidays.

In preparation for their first-grade classroom's holiday party, a Meridian Public School District teacher sent a particularly nasty note home with each child detailing what they believed was and wasn't acceptable holiday behavior. And it included a very Scrooge statement that left parents and people alike shocked.

"If They Don't Bring Anything, They Don't Eat"

chips etc on the note
Photo Credit: Takaria Scott / Facebook
Photo Credit: Takaria Scott / Facebook

When Takaria Scott opened her son's letter from his teacher outlining what they wanted to have happen for the classroom holiday potluck, she didn't expect to be met with a nasty letter. Her son's teacher took a hard stance and said that "my philosophy is: if they don't bring something, they don't eat anything" and left a space for the parents to write what their child was bringing.

Takaria was shocked and upset and posted the note with the caption: "Now for these kids to be between 6-7yrs this should not be a philosophy. Kids are kids man. This is definitely not acceptable in my eyes." Preach, Takaria.


People Were Understandably Upset

facebook comments
Photo Credit: Takaria Scott / Facebook
Photo Credit: Takaria Scott / Facebook

Turns out most people on the internet are more understanding of kids' situations than this teacher, because Takaria's post went viral with a lot of people voicing how unfair this "philosophy" is.


There Were Similar Stories From Other Commenters

a picture of the Facebook icon
Photo Credit: Unsplash / Brett Jordan
Photo Credit: Unsplash / Brett Jordan

Many comments featured people's personal stories about how their parents struggled to make ends meet and many times didn't have an extra dish to bring to feed their classmates. This is a harsh reality for a lot of families and may even be for kids in this teacher's class.


The Superintendent Apologized For The Letter

superintendent letter
Photo Credit: Meridian Public School District / Facebook
Photo Credit: Meridian Public School District / Facebook

As Takaria's post gained traction online, eventually it was brought to the attention of Dr. Amy Carter, the Superintendent of the Meridian School Board, who wrote an apology letter. She made a point to note that she wants students to "view school as a safe space" and that "all students will participate and no students will be made to feel uncomfortable if they don't bring refreshments."


Thank Goodness Takaria Said Something

a tray of holiday cookies
Photo Credit: Unsplash / Tanaphong Toochinda
Photo Credit: Unsplash / Tanaphong Toochinda

If it wasn't for Takaria speaking up about the letter, some kids could've been shamed and made to feel lesser just because they couldn't bring snacks. Not only is that horrible, but it also goes against the spirit of the season. Hopefully, this is a wake-up call for this teacher to change their philosophy to one that's more accepting.


It Turns Out A Lot Of People Have Had Bad Experiences With Teachers

woman tells story about teacher that said she could almost be as good at physics as boys
Photo Credit: Twitter / @zoe_samuel
Photo Credit: Twitter / @zoe_samuel

Like this person who was sort of given a compliment? If you consider being told you'll almost be as good as a boy at something a compliment...which it is not.


That's Not The Right Way To Deal With That

teacher made fun of a student who had anxiety
Photo Credit: Twitter / @mspricklefinger
Photo Credit: Twitter / @mspricklefinger

Anxiety is difficult enough as it is, and the last thing a kid needs at a new school is a teacher threatening to punish them for expressing their feelings...in a super creepy way, might I add.


It Was A Trap!

teacher failed a student because they handed in a rough draft after the teacher asked for it
Photo Credit: Twitter / @JonnyGorden
Photo Credit: Twitter / @JonnyGorden

I get not wanting to accept a paper late, but this kid was really trying, and if you're going to accept a rough draft, you can't turn around and fail them for it!


Wow, That Crosses A Line

teacher yelling at a kid for talking in class
Photo Credit: Twitter / @Ross_McDougall
Photo Credit: Twitter / @Ross_McDougall

This hardly seems like the right way to deal with any situation. That kid had clearly already been through it that year, now he has a teacher calling him out for that stuff in class?


How Dare She Have A Big Vocabulary

kid got in trouble for using
Photo Credit: Twitter / @Fainora
Photo Credit: Twitter / @Fainora

Imagine being mad at a kid because they could read and comprehend words above their grade level? That seems like the kind of thing that should be encouraged, not discouraged.