Man Asks His wife To Stop Dressing ‘Frumpy Like A Mom’

Having a newborn baby comes with a lot of lifestyle changes. The baby is completely dependent on their parents to survive, which means parents have to devote all their time to it. Dressing fashionably isn't exactly on the priority list for new moms who often opt for comfort and easy access instead.

This new mom's husband still felt it necessary to point out that his wife should dress a little sexier.

The Husband Thought It Would Just Be A Phase

mom carrying her baby born and smiling
Photo Credit: Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

The husband first noticed the change in fashion when his wife gave birth. He assumed that the new mom was just trying to be comfortable post-birth.

However, it had been seven months now, and he was starting to feel like the change in the way she dresses was going to be permanent.


It's Not That She's Not Sexy In His Eyes Anymore

woman in lingerie laying in bed
Photo Credit: Artem Labunsky / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Artem Labunsky / Unsplash

"I still think she is sexy. She just doesn't dress sexy anymore," he wrote in his Reddit post. The husband describes her outfits as now consisting of looser items like sweatshirts, sweatpants, and tent dresses.


He says that she covers up more now, whereas, in the past, she would tease him to see his reaction.


He Doesn't Approve Of Her Undergarments, Either

Bra from victoria secret spread
Photo Credit: Uliana Kopanytsia / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Uliana Kopanytsia / Unsplash

The husband feels the same way about her undergarments. The wife has opted for new sets, likely ones that are more comfortable.


Her husband doesn't find them as nice compared to the ones that she previously wore.


The Husband Misses The Times Before Their Daughter Was Born

pregnant couple holding pink shoes
Photo Credit: Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

"I don't think my wife has to always dress sexy for me. That would be unreasonable," he explains.


The husband simply feels that it would be nice if his wife could dress up a few times a week the same way she used to before the birth of their daughter.


He Brought It Up To His Wife, Who Got Offended

woman looks angry on the bed
Photo Credit: Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash

When the husband tried to express his feelings to his wife, she didn't take it well. She took offense and assumed this meant that her husband was no longer attracted to her.


He tried to clarify that this wasn't the case, but that he simply missed the way she used to dress.


The Wife Told Him That It Was None Of His Business

Clothes hung up in beige clothes
Photo Credit: Alyssa Dtrohmann / Unspash
Photo Credit: Alyssa Dtrohmann / Unspash

It is often said that men shouldn't dictate what women wear, whether it's too revealing or not. It's her choice, after all.


The wife argued that the way she dresses is none of her husband's business. She felt that if he couldn't be supportive, then he shouldn't say anything in the first place.


The Husband Still Thinks That They Should Dress Attractively For Each Other

woman getting dressed up in miror
Photo Credit: Jakob Owens / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Jakob Owens / Unsplash

"I think this type of communication is important just like I think it's important for us to both try and dress attractively for each other," he explains.


The husband feels that he should be able to tell his wife about the things that bother him through feedback, and expects her to do the same.


The Internet Did Not Respond Kindly

Mom kisses baby looking at her
Photo Credit: Ana Tablas / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Ana Tablas / Unsplash

In response to his post, there was an almost unanimous response that the husband was being a jerk.


One person pointed out that the focus should be on the fact that she brought life into their world, not the way she dresses. They say, "She brought your child into the world, and you're not turned on by her clothes? She should dress in whatever she feels comfortable in, and if that is granny panties, then you need to accept that."


He Doesn't Understand That Her Body Has Changed

Mom pregnant belly
Photo Credit: Freestocks / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Freestocks / Unsplash

When we gain or lose weight, we change our clothes. When we grow up, we change our clothes. Basically, any time our bodies change, we change our clothes, so why should this be any different?


Many pointed out that a new mom's body is changed forever through hormones, stretch marks, and breastfeeding. Often, so is her sense of self. She should be dressing to adapt, not to please her husband.


Plus, They're At Home, Anyway

woman in pjs sitting on counter
Photo Credit: Ekatrina Bolovstsova / Pexels
Photo Credit: Ekatrina Bolovstsova / Pexels

Keep in mind this happened during the pandemic, a time when no one had a reason to dress up to go anywhere anyway.


A commenter pointed this out by saying, "All of this chaos and nearly every female I know is talking about her yoga pants, day PJs vs night PJs, etc. Add just having a baby and who wants to dress sexy a 'few days a week?!'" We agree!