Huggies Is Featuring Dads On Their Boxes For The First Time

The next time you're in the diaper aisle you might just spot something you've never seen before — dads being featured on boxes of Huggies. The company recently began selling Huggies Special Delivery diaper-box designs that feature men with their babies.

Huggies is featuring seven different designs. Three of the designs feature men with babies and the other four feature women with babies.

Dads on Huggiest boxes

"Dads have always been featured in a lot of our marketing collateral," Kristine Rhodes," North America marketing director for Huggies told USA Today.

"This is just the first time we are bringing them to the prominence of packaging. We will continue to celebrate dads and have dads and moms be heroes in our creative content going forward," Rhodes added.

From a pure marketing perspective, the shift in marketing makes a lot of sense. A Pew Research study from September 2018 found that 1 in 5 U.S. moms and dads are stay-at-home parents."The share of dads at home rose from 4% to 7%, while the share of moms staying at home remained largely unchanged – 27% in 2016 versus 28% about a quarter-century earlier," Pew revealed.

Along with an increasing number of stay-at-home dads, the parenting paradigm is shifting. A research study from Boston University in 2017 has found that beliefs about childcare have changed with more parenting responsibilities equalizing between mothers and fathers.

Warwick notes that in 1982 a whopping 43% of dads [in the UK] said they never changed a diaper, that number has dropped to just 3% in 2000. "A 2010 study by the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit reported that 65% of men helped 'a great deal' with [diaper} changing," Warwick reports.

With dad's becoming more involved in actually raising their children, the move by Huggies makes a lot of sense.