Times Kids Wrote Something That Made Adults Take Note
Kids really do say the darnedest things. You can count on a kid to call you out on your deepest insecurities or even point out new ones that you didn't even know that you had. Sometimes they say funny things, especially when they're ripping on other people. Where do you think all that sass goes as we grow older?
The Thought Was There
Is that a threat or just an observation? I think it would be more accurate to say that this little kid is lucky their parents are alive, otherwise, what would they do with themselves?
We've All Been Here
The worst thing is having to apologize for something you're not sorry for. This kid wanted to trick you into thinking they were going to do it, but nope. They're sorry for nothing.
They Out Grow That Stubborn Age
What parent wants to come to see that their kid had poo-pooed all over their well-wishes for the day? If they get home and school sucked, Mom tried to make it better.
Very Subtle
This seems like something that could have just been conveyed in person, but here we are. How much do we want to bet that this kid is going to grow to become a very passive-aggressive adult?
Yeah, Push It Down
Nothing like that good old-fashioned British tradition of pushing your emotions deep, deep down into that place of yourself you never visit unless you drink. This kid will go far, but they won't be happy.
Everyone's Dream Come True
It's important in life to dream big, even if you might be reaching for something unattainable. It may never be that tacos will rain from the sky, but we can dream.
That's Pretty To The Point
I have a feeling that Valerie is never going to babysit this kid again for fear of having her head chopped off. It's always the ones that you least expect.
"Shh, Don't Tell Mommy's Secrets"
Mommy may like drinking wine, but do you know why that is? Because she has kids that like to tell people that she loves drinking. It's a vicious cycle that just feeds into itself.
Owen Has Made His Point
You can't really fire your mother, but Owen has made it clear that if he doesn't get his Legos, there is going to be hell to pay when mom gets home.
Those Poor Kitties
Not all heroes wear capes, but they do come ready with a pen and some paper. Ava is standing up for her kitty friends and threatening her dad never to shave them again.
Let's Hope She Accepts That Apology
This is one of those things where I would love to know the backstory because, clearly, we are missing something even more interesting than this note. Why was hair eaten? How much did they really hate it?
Sorry, What?
Not sure what it means to burp poop all over something, but I have a feeling that we don't want to know. But you know kids. They make stuff up all the time.
That's Just Rude
The last thing anyone wants is for their kid to snack-shame them. Yeah, I probably am just bored, but maybe you kids should just be more interesting, have you ever considered that?
That Sounds About Right
This kid had to write down what it is they do in a day, and this was the day that they came up with. It pretty much sums what adult life is pretty well. So sad to see kids growing up too soon.
Well, Is She?
Who taught these kids to talk this way? I'm sure Rachel has a lot of other interesting qualities other than how thicc she is. These notes are the reason why being a teacher is probably so stressful.
Good Spelling, Kid!
"Who is stupid now? You can't even spell 'stupid' right!" ...is exactly what you should not yell at a child if they left you that note. It's better just to throw it away.
Someone Learned About Sticky Notes
This kid learned that sticky notes were a thing, and what did they do? They made a bunch of tiny signs to stick on their dad's back to wear all around town.
What A Cute...Goat ?
Someone is either very confused about their animals or knows that their cat is the greatest of all time. That's what the kids say these days, right? It's in all the tweets?
Snitches Get Stitches
Sophia didn't rip into Jacob like she could have. Instead, she went that whole "I'm disappointed in you" route that stings so much when your parents lay it on you.
They've Got Friends In High Places
Isn't it amazing that all those famous people have the same signature and don't know how to spell their own names? That is a strange cast of characters there in that card.
Where Did They Learn That?
Stuff like this makes you wonder what kind of environment a kid grows up in. What kind of parents go around talking about poop hitting the fan on someone's birthday? You know how literal kids are.
Someone Call The Exorcist
Be honest, if your kid came home and handed this to you, would you be worried? Why is she crying blood in a graveyard with what I can only assume are bat wings?
I Sincerely Hope Not
That bunny is one of the scariest things that I've seen in my life. Why does it look like it can see right through your soul? It knows all the bad things you've done and will do.
Just What Everyone Wants For Their Birthday
The older you get, the more you're aware of your own mortality. We don't need a kid who literally still has their whole life in front of them to remind us that we are going to die.
Rainbow Is Right
What is the point of learning math anymore? They don't even teach us anything important like how taxes work and how to save properly. They just want to know if you can figure out how big a circle is.
It Looks Just Like Him
Kids love to take over things, like this kid who wanted their babysitter to draw them a picture of Harry Potter, and they decided they were going to take over just in time to do the legs.
It's Everything You Need
Why not treat yourself with these two Q-tips and a cotton pad and have a nice, relaxing night in? Based on the writing, this kid looks old enough to know that they should have thrown in a bottle of wine, too.
Just Rip My Heart Out Why Don't You?
I want to know how these kids figured out that their teacher was in the middle of a divorce. That seems like a pretty intimate detail of your life to share with your students.
That Will Show Them
I'm not sure that this is something their parents would consider a good idea, but I'm sure that deep down, they are kind of tickled with the fact that their kid pooped on a lawn.
Sorry To Hear It, Kid
This kid has learned about the world too soon. You're not supposed to know what it's like to be so sad you can't eat until you're at least 18 years old.