Kids Whose Bizarre Costume Choices Made Their Parents Scratch Their Heads
Most times on Halloween, parents can take their kids to the store and let them pick out a costume of their choice—a superhero, a princess, a ninja, or a pirate.
However, some children go out of their way to come up with unique (and strange) costumes that leave their parents bewildered.
I Feel Sorry For His Parents
This child was absolutely adamant that he dress up as a "fart" for Halloween. I truly feel sorry for these parents who had to find a way to make his dream a reality.
Hit The Road, Jackie!
This little girl decided that she wanted to dress up as "the road" for Halloween, so her aunt spent hours carefully crafting this custom costume for her. Frankly, she looks great.
Let's Hope Peter Piper Isn't Hanging Around
In this young girl's defense, who doesn't love a good pickle? They're crunchy, tasty, and can act as a nice little snack or actually be used as a condiment on a sandwich. They're perfect.
Her Dad Really Listened To Her Wishes
For some reason, this little girl really wanted to be an ear for Halloween, and her father heard her out and decided to find a way to make it happen.
You're Toast, Buddy
This 9-year-old boy decided that his ideal Halloween costume was a piece of toast, so he painstakingly spent hours trying to make cardboard look like one. He really said, "Get that bread."
He Could Barely Climb The Front Steps
This kid was hellbent on dressing as a traffic light for Halloween, and he spent the whole night struggling to walk up stairs to ring doorbells while trick or treating.
You Know It's Bad When You Need A Sign
There are a lot of unique, niche, or pun-based costumes that the average person might need a little extra explanation in order to understand, but if you need a sign to tell people what you are, it's just a bad costume.
This Is Highkey Adorable
When you're a little kid, there is no one you love more than your grandma—I mean, all she does is give you treats. Naturally, this little girl wanted to dress up as her grandmother.
He's Ready To Box You Out
This child told his grandparents that he really wanted to be a box for Halloween—truly, just your standard cardboard box. It might be ridiculous, but at least it was easy to make.
She Wanted To Be A Crazy Cat Lady
When you ask children what they want to be when they grow up, most will say something like "astronaut" or "doctor," but this little girl knew that she wanted to be a recluse with lots of feline pals.
A Very Seasonal Selection
To be fair, one of the best things about autumn is the prevalence of pumpkin things: pumpkin spiced lattes, pumpkin scones, and pumpkin pie. This kid was just enjoying the season.
Just What Every Little Girl Wants To Be
Most little girls, when asked what they want to be for Halloween, will name their favorite Disney princess. This little girl, however, was bent on dressing up as a horseshoe crab.
Tag, You're Itt
This little girl told her mom that she wanted to dress up as Cousin Itt from the Addams Family television show, and her mother was more than happy to oblige.
Not Logical, But Definitely Cute
I love that toddlers have about six brain cells and only two of them can function at a time, because they come up with the wackiest ideas and have the weirdest fixations. You look great as pants, buddy.
Better They Wear Them Than Eat Them
Remember that weird period of a few months where teenagers were just eating Tide Pods? Anyway, this girl wanted to commemorate that time by dressing up as a Tide Pod, to her mother's dismay.
One Box Of Donuts, Coming Right Up!
I won't lie: I've seen a couple of donut-related costumes in my day, but most people dress up as a donut itself, not the box they come in. I'm not sure why this girl wanted to rock a 12-pack for Halloween.
Can I Adopt This Kid?
The older son in the background was in charge of picking costumes this year and he decided to pay tribute to the viral video of the kids dressed as a zombie saying, "I like turtles."
I'll Admit: This One Is Pretty Clever
Being a regular witch for Halloween is a little too cliché, so this little girl told her parents that she wanted to be a "sand-witch" by adding a little bread to the costume.
I'm Terrified Of This Girl
This little girl decided she wanted to dress up as Coraline, which would have been fine on its own, but she also insisted that her mother dress up as the terrifying "Other Mother."
Introduce Him To The Pants Kid
I already know that this kid, who demanded that he dress up as a shirt, would get along swimmingly with the kid who wanted to dress up as a pair of pants.
...Can I Have A Bag Of Cheetos, Though?
The year prior, this kid wanted to dress up as a mailbox. This year, he upped the ante by deciding he wanted to be a vending machine for Halloween, and honestly, this is a very impressive costume.
I Love This Girl's Energy
This little girl wanted to dress up as a character from the popular anime film Spirited Away, and she wore her costume to class on Halloween. Unfortunately, her classmates were less enthusiastic.
It's A Choice And He Made It
Due to the prevalence of Marvel films over the past 10 years, there has been a resurgence of children wanting to dress as superheroes. However, most choose Captain America, Iron Man, the Hulk, etc.—not Rocket Raccoon.
I Swear, Kids Are Getting Creepier
Back in my day, the scariest thing that a kid dressed up in was a poorly created Jason costume; these days, the kids are getting more into the gruesome scary stuff.
What A Scary Little 4-Year-Old
Rather than buy a costume at the store like the other kids, this little girl was adamant that she dress up as a Xenomorph from the Alien franchise, and had her parents DIYed the costume.
Paint Me Like One Of Your Spanish Girls
This 9-year-old girl decided to think outside the box and instead thought inside the frame when she dressed up as a Picasso painting. I think it's safe to say that she has a future in the arts.
It's So Perfectly Accurate
This kid chose to dress up as a baked potato, and I have to admit that the costume really turned out pretty impressively. She definitely stood out in the crowd.
This Is Straight-Up Nightmare Fuel
In general, I think dolls are creepy, and I also think puppets are creepy, and marionettes are the unholy terrifying combination of the two of them. Yet a marionette was this girl's costume of choice.
Not Quite A Costume, But...
While out shopping during October, this little girl stumbled upon this giant tarantula prop decoration and decided that she absolutely had to have it. Out of everything in the store, this is the only thing she wanted.
However, Some Parents Get The Last Laugh
Rather than dress up as a pop culture reference or more traditional costume that you can get at the store, this mom decided to dress up as her son for Halloween.