Kids Who Had Childish Solutions To Grown-Up Problems
Life doesn't stop for anyone, no matter how old you get. Kids today have a lot on their plates, which means they have a lot of responsibility for their age. Sometimes, the younger ones will end up handling life better than the adults do. Even though they have much less to lose, their actions prove they're ready for the adult world.
"This Is How Our Fifth-Grader Is Coping With Monday Today"
Honestly, what better way to deal with a Monday than by wearing a creepy mask? That way, no one will talk to you, and it'll remain as dark as possible, so you might be able to nap.
"My 3-Year-Old Son Has Convinced Me He's Been Eating His Vegetables Lately"
Well, at least he knows that the greens belong together. To be fair, that broccoli doesn't look thoroughly cooked, so can you even blame the little guy for tossing it there?
"Got This Face When I Asked Her Not To Kiss The Manhole Cover"
This face lets you know she doesn't play any games. She knows what she wants, and you are standing in the way of her plans. Why do you hate love?
"My 11-Year-Old Daughter Has Insisted On Checking The Mail"
She figured out how to make checking the mail fun instead of feeling like a task. A harmless game with someone who wants to play, but only when the mail carrier comes around.
He's A Big Dreamer
This kid doesn't think limits, and that's great. When he grows up, he's going to be landing airplanes on his back, and that's a fact. Or maybe he'll grow out of it and become an air traffic controller instead.
"I Caught My Daughter Trying To Plan An Escape From Home"
She probably almost got away with it. From this angle, it looks like the legs are what gave her up. A little more attention to detail and she'll be gone in no time.
"My Son Is 'Hiding' From Me. This Is The Skirt That I'm Wearing"
He knows that no one will dare look under his mom's skirt. He also knows that he'll receive his mother's protection no matter what, so he chose a home-field advantage with this hiding place.
"Here's A Dramatic Photo Of Me In Fifth Grade Stuck In A Garbage Can"
If sitting in a garbage can is your way of dealing with life, then so be it. Who are others to try and tell you how to live your life?
"The Teacher Texted Me And Told Me To Wake Her Up"
This little girl had a long day at home, and now her teacher needs her to wake up? Does she not know how stressful it is living with your parents?
Doesn't That Mean He Found Her?
This auntie decided to play hide and seek with her nephew and he figured he'd try to be polite. He brought her a potty in case she needed to leak.
"43 Minutes Into The First Day Of Second Grade, Via Zoom"
The Zoom calls aren't enough to keep these kids awake. They want to be in class talking to their friends, making the teacher threaten to separate them before they get in trouble.
"Dad, Hurry Up! I Need The Toilet Too"
At first, I thought this was a regular photo. Then I noticed how the covers for the vent were on the floor. This kid really wanted to look his dad in the eye.
"A Picture Of My Brother In P.E. Class Today"
This kid doesn't have time for a virtual P.E. class. How does one even complete this course from home? Do they put the camera at a distance and do jumping jacks for everyone to see?
"I Told My Kid To Label His Water Bottle For School"
Maybe being a little more specific would have helped this situation. Well, at least he knows that his bottle has this written on it. He won't be able to miss it.
"Told The Kids To Settle Their Argument With A Pillow Fight"
It isn't exactly what they needed to do, but this approach seems like it might work too. The only thing is that they won't be able to see each other.
"My 9-Year-Old Brother Attempted To Make The Controller Wireless"
This little man was done playing the game sitting so close to the screen. He wanted the ability to play from anywhere in the room without having that cord hold him back.
Agent In Training
If this isn't the smoothest finesse you've ever read then you've seen some slick stuff pulled off by a kid. The light grease part is what gets me going here.
He Needed His Games At Night
When it comes to video games, kids will figure out whatever they can do to play them. If you restrict access to them, you can bet the kids will find a way.
She Finessed For The Win
Kids will do a lot for a toy from McDonald's. Sometimes, they have the toys you really want, so there's no limit to what someone will do to get one.
"He Wanted To Be A Mannequin"
People like being different things all the time. Some people like being someone else, but this kid likes being inanimate objects. I don't see the issue here as he's blending in quite well.
Easy And Effective
This person gets an A for handling this situation with such poise. Not everyone would consider going into safe mode to delete the password, but here you have it. This is easy and effective.
He Knows How To Fight For His Love
Not even all adults have the courage to stand up and fight for their beliefs. This kid said forget it, drew his phrase, and went outside to protest his love for trains.
We Have A Smart One
There's no way a person can survive with that many friends. This kid knows that and understands what needs to be done to live his life. That's just too many friends.
Using MLK To Get Rid Of Bieber
I know MLK wanted equality for all, but his voice was probably powerful enough to end Justin Bieber before he got too big. This kid has their head on straight.
Graham Isn't Ready To Die
In this situation, Graham is either a mummy, or he wasn't dead at all. Either way, he knows the grave won't hold him back, so he's living with a positive attitude.
"Had To Explain To My Daughter What 'Counterfeiting' Was"
That would be a conversation you would need to have after finding this. The silver lining here is that you know that your daughter has a craving for more money. She'll never go broke.
Found On The Floor Of A Classroom
Let this be a message that every relationship needs boundaries. If this kid doesn't want anyone disturbing him while he eats fried chicken, then so be it! People need to learn from this.
Albert Has A Plan
How many adults out there want to do what Albert wants when he grows up? I can bet a good number of us do, but not everyone can. Well, Albert, I hope your wish comes true.
This Is How You Negotiate
If a kid wrote this eloquent message asking for something else, I'd grant their wishes. Not every child is out there doing anything like this, so you need to reward the initiative.
Pretty Solid Advice
A cleaning person found this note after the family checked out of the room. The kid who wrote this knows that life is short already, so why not enjoy the finer things first?
Teamwork Makes The Dream Work
These kids worked together to create an eternal recess by blocking the entrance door with just enough packed snow.
It might not have gotten them "eternal" recess, but it definitely at least lasted longer that day.
Pizza Is Practically Medicine
This kid is clearly aware that pizza heals the soul, and he's stopping at nothing to try and get some. Beats hospital food at least.
His creativity alone merits him at least one slice.
Never Too Safe
You can never be too cautious when your older brother finally starts to drive. The more seatbelts, the better.
Realistically, you shouldn't even be in the car—you're too young to die!
This Is Why People Stop Celebrating Their Birthdays
This dad just turned 40 years old. His kids greeted him with this work of art on the front porch.
This is why people stop wanting to celebrate their birthdays once they hit a certain age...
She Got What She Asked For...
Be careful what you wish for, 'cause you might just get it. This kid already put in the effort of asking what to get, it's not her fault she wasn't given a better answer than "whatever."
The Best Gift A Mother Could Ask For
This daughter really said: "I am the gift." It's also impressive she knows how to use Photoshop at her age. When I was her age, I could barely figure out how to turn the computer on.
The Coolest Kid In School
This 8-year-old has been taking a baggie of mini sweet peppers to school in his lunch each day. He pretends they are super hot peppers, and gains fame as the coolest third-grader around.
How To Make Sure There's Always Enough Toilet Paper
This kid is not risking going to the bathroom next time only to find the toilet paper roll has run out. He's giving fair warning that "the end is near." Not that he'll be the one to do anything about it.
Cheated The System
This young man isn't allowed to take his phone to his room at he keeps his phone downstairs "charging."
You really have to stare closely to notice that it's just an empty phone case with the charging cable held up close to it.
This Kid Is Going Far In Life
The most cliché yet valuable advice is to get back up every time we fall down. It's as metaphorical as it is literal. This kid obviously mastered it at a young age.