Kids Who Are Definitely Working Harder, Not Smarter
Kids have a lot of advantages over us as adults: they're fast, they heal quickly, and they don't have any hip or back soreness to hold them back. The only advantage we really have over these small humans is that their brain capacity is severely underdeveloped.
These parents caught their kids in their hilarious not-so-bright moments.
That's Not How It Works, Kiddo
If I'm remembering correctly, the Hulk got his powers after being exposed to high levels of gamma radiation. I don't think that Crayola Washable non-toxic markers are going to cut it.
Dog > Being Able To See
I hope that these parents really got this kid a dog because he would be bound to destroy his retinas during the next solar eclipse in hopes of getting a golden retriever.
Children Are So Gross...
This little girl is absolutely furious with her parents. Why, you may ask? It's because they wouldn't let her keep a handful of coins in her mouth. Just typical things...
The Logic Was A Little Lacking On This One
She accidentally let go of her balloon in the entrance hall, causing it to fly up 25 feet to the vaulted ceiling. She got this chair to stand on thinking it would let her reach it.
He Really Tried
As funny as it is that they don't quite understand that parents are real people with identities beyond "mom" and "dad," it is cute that this kid thought that emailing "" would work.
That Other Kid Got A Raw Deal
That other kid really believed that he was going to absorb another child's capacity for imagination when he gave away his coveted fruit snacks during lunch hour. Imagine his disappointment.
What Does She Have Against Green?
There are a lot of great colors out there, so I can definitely understand not having green as your favorite. However, what could be so awful about one color that it would make her cry?
Okay, But This Is Adorable
Look at this little gal, just doing the best she can to share positivity and joy to a YouTube influencer by giving the screen a little thumbs up. Better than a standard like if you ask me.
How Is This Supposed To Trap Anything?
When this little girl's parents told her that they wouldn't buy her a pet bunny, she decided to catch her own wild one, and in order to trap it, she built this on the driveway.
Big Snack :)
Even as a fully grown-up adult with many functioning brain cells, I would prefer to have a big snack over a meal. Can someone with a psychology degree explain this to me?
Self-Awareness Is The First Step
You know what? At least this kid is willing to admit that, through it all, they really just do not know what they want. Pretty existential at the age of three.
Buddy, Come On
There are some meltdowns that you can blame on tiredness, confusion, or overall stress for a kid, but this one reeks of pure stupidity. It's right there, kid! This is so unnecessary.
They're Just Like Cats
You know when you buy your cat a new toy or bed and they play with the packaging instead of the thing you spent money on? You'd hope that children would be better.
Why, Though?
I have so many questions as to why he decided this was a good idea and what happened to the Playstation after, but I fear that asking them would only leave me more confused.
It's One Way Or Another
You know in movies when a character comes to a fork in the road where they have to choose between a picturesque landscape or scary forest and they choose the forest? This is like that.
That's Just Responsible Playing
Okay, this is actually really cute. This little boy really decided to make sure all the trains were healthy before putting them all on the tracks and letting them interact.
He'll Figure It Out Eventually
Does anyone else remember how fun—yet annoying—those Nerf pellets were? You'd get to shoot off about six and then you'd spend the next 30 minutes of your life collecting and reattaching them.
Do They Have Slug Health Insurance?
I don't know if this has anything to do with where I lived, but I have genuinely never seen so many slugs in one place. Where did they find them? Or did they really show up for the hospital?
Mmmmm, Toasty Oven
How do you explain to your child that the oven, despite seeming like a toasty cuddle location, is actually super dangerous unless you have plans on becoming the dinner feature?
Honestly, Same
This little girl's prompt for her homework was, "What place do you want to go and visit? It can be anywhere in the world." Honestly, I also love Costco hotdogs, so I understand where she's coming from.
It's Better This Way
Other options include: "It's medicine, you won't like it," "It's actually a hot drink so you'll hate it," and "It's made from lots of broccoli and spinach mixed with Brussels sprouts."
We Can't Always Have What We Want
Okay, in this kid's defense, children sit in front of the television and watch the guy on Blue's Clues jump into picture frames on a daily basis, so why wouldn't he be able to jump into the TV?
He Really Thought She Would Die
There's nothing worse than realizing that, despite caring for and teaching this kid every day, this child decided he was sick of her one day and practically wished death upon her.
So Rude, For What?
Every day, children wake up and choose to be rude for no reason at all. No one is ever going to insult you more harshly than a child, and it will hurt because you know they're telling the truth.
Please Don't Lick The Dolphins
That poor dolphin is just showing up to its nine-to-five job, letting strangers kiss its head so that it can get a few extra pieces of fish tonight, and then a kid licks it.
She Raises Some Points
It's actually so dumb that some people call it a jacket potato when it is so much easier to just say "baked potato" and not confuse poor children and foreigners.
At Least Hair Grows Back
You know how products come with those warning labels that let you know you should keep products out of the reach of children? There is a reason that they put them on there.
The Light Left His Eyes
I wonder sometimes which moment was the one that let my parents know that I am a total idiot that they were stuck with for at least 18 years of their lives?
Not Quite What We Wanted
This dad was having his son help him with some yard work. When he told his son to "stick the tape measure down the hole to see how deep it is," the kid just threw it in.
Slow Your Roll, Plato
The three people in the world most likely to drop intense philosophical questions are guys in their 20s that like to listen to indie music, a philosophy professor, and a young child.