This Clueless Husband Accidentally Ordered A Truck’s Worth Of Basmati, And His Wife’s Reaction Wasn’t Rice, Rice, Baby
Have you ever had one of those situations in life where you decided that there has to be some sort of shortcut? While sometimes things turn out in people's favor, this one husband's attempt to work smarter, not harder, landed him in a bigger mess than he could have imagined.
His wife's brother was visiting and got to catch all the drama in a Twitter thread that went viral.
How It All Began:
I get it: the occasional trip to the grocery store to grab a bag of rice isn't a big deal, but it gets quite tedious when you're doing it on a nearly daily basis.
His Wife, Clearly, Was Not Pleased
Every wife in the history of wives has had to deal with her husband making a couple of foolish decisions because he didn't think things through, but I feel like this case is exceptionally chaotic.
For Reference, This Is What We're Talking About
This guy went on further to explain that when he says "truck," he doesn't mean a pickup: a full transport truck (lorry) full of rice pulled up to their home. Here is an example photo of what that truck would look like.
The Lorry Driver Is Not Happy
Listen: this guy's job is to make deliveries and get his payment so he can move onto the next one. He's not happy that he has a truckful of rice and no one trying to unload it.
A Cigarette Is The New Olive Branch
After minutes of arguing and both parties getting heated, a cigarette break was the only way to cut the tension. Also, the wife was mad and now asking her brother if he knew her husband was still smoking behind her back.
The Plot Thickens
After trying to make multiple unanswered calls to the warehouse, this new character has been added to the plot. Don't worry: all of us are confused as to who Manu is.
Who Is Manu????
While we still have no idea who Manu is or what his role in the rice delivery business is, we do know that he is now an active player in the great rice debacle.
Manu Actually Drives Over
This is horrifically disappointing news because, in my mind, I had built Manu up to be some sort of basmati kingpin in their region who is the master of all the rice.
Nothing Like Bonding Over "The Wife"
The husband here makes a pretty desperate but strong strategic move to remind these guys that there are dire consequences for him if he is not able to return this rice. Luckily, all the men get it.
What Does That Even Mean?
Obviously, this is the best-case scenario for our husband who is trying to minimize the rice he receives, but I really need to know what Manu means by "make the rest go away." It just sounds so ominous.
Love Some Good, Old-Fashioned Haggling
You know what? In North America, where most goods and services have fixed prices, we really don't get enough opportunities to engage in the art of haggling. I will say the bottle of scotch was a strong selling point.
At Last, We Reach A Conclusion
I think it's important to note that this interaction took from 10:06 a.m. until 4:21 p.m. to get resolved, but this clueless husband ended up making his way out of a bad situation. However, I have no doubt he'll still sleep on the couch tonight.