Mortified Adults Share The Embarrassing Things Their Parents Did In Front Of Them As Kids
Ah, parents, they walk a fine line between scolding you to live your life a certain way while doing the most mind-boggling cringe things that you yourself wouldn't even dream of. If you've ever walked 50 yards in front of them in a grocery store or pretended to find the sky really interesting while they're wearing their bathrobe in public, you're not alone.
Nick Harvey on Twitter asked the internet what were the most embarrassing things their parents did in front of them as children. These are truly a wild ride, and they're making all of us mortified people just glad we're not the only ones with memorable childhoods.
The Tweet That Started It All

This is legendary protective parenting. The mom heard that punk's not dead and her sixteen-year-old was participating in its revival and she said not today. I truly would've given everything to witness this moment.
The Parent-Teacher Interview That Was And Wasn't A Stand-Up Moment

This is the kind of interview that lands you in the school. The moment this dynamic duo took their places, that headmaster was going to sign this kid right up to get them into an environment where people have heard of chairs, lest they stop using them altogether. It's only right.
The Dad Who Paid Careful Attention To Detail

This dad is going shopping and by God, if he's not getting exactly what's on the list to the letter. He's not about to let public embarrassment for him or his kid stop him either, because he's Superdad and he's on a warpath.
The Burly Dad Who Got A Part-Time Job

They always say dress for the job you want, not the job you have. If you're looking to land a little additional income on the side, you might as well break out your best leathers and your lowest voice and people will just assume you're there to work the door.
The Ceremonial Sleeper

This dad was tired and he was going to take that nap wherever his head fell gosh darn it. It doesn't matter if he's in the presence of a Nobel Prize winner and in the middle of a very proud parental moment, he's got to get some shut-eye in at some point.
The Dad On A Schedule And It Doesn't Include Clothing

This dad has a home uniform and it's not his fault that he forgets that he's wearing it. When you're a guest in his house you're basically signing up for a personal fashion show and to be potentially traumatized by it.
Could They Just Not Be Nosy For Once?

This tweet speaks to anyone whose family questions and comments on every little thing they do. Normally it's fine, but there are times when you really, really, wish they'd stop giving you the hard line of questioning.
Singing For The Angels And The Shocked Kids

This kid probably never got lost as a child. All their mom had to do was hit a few high octave notes on the old "do re mi" scale and they'd know exactly where she was. Good for her for giving it her all and showing these kids what those pipes can do.
The Parents With A One-Way Ticket To Funky Town

They definitely only learned how to do all this just to make this kid cringe. You know that they could cut the rug, but they had many more moves to break out on the dance floor at the church social when Earth, Wind, and Fire came on, just to see their kid get all red in the face. That's pretty epic, really.
Helen's Mom Interrupted Her Groove

Love the dedication of this mom who's not afraid to call a local nightclub and send in her own song request to the DJ. It's not Helen's favorite song though, but I'm sure the mom appreciated the track over the phone.
The Dad Who Took Them On A Long Walk Right Into Danger

So this is some DIY vacation off-roading meeting dad confidence. He's confident he's got a firm grasp of the lay of the land and that he and his family can have a pleasant walk through whatever the countryside brings. Is that the sound of live rounds in the distance? No... must be a local exotic bird.
Mom's New Boyfriend Who Insisted

This man is out to network and nothing is going to stop him, not even a grease-removing soap or the gravel driveway leading up to the ceremony. Nothing. He's here to pursue LinkedIn connections to grow his organic fruit fly incubator business and that's final.
The Mom Who Proved A Point That We Wish She Wouldn't Have

Thank you, mom, for sharing personal information and then further proving that this information is true. She'd make a great lawyer and she's got all the witnesses who were walking to work on that street at that moment to back her up on that fact.
The Goth Kid Who Couldn't Hide From Mom For Long

This tweet speaks to every kid who just wanted to disappear into the floor the moment they went anywhere in public with their mom. Maybe next time this person should just stay home, have a rest, and kick their feet up in their mom's lounge stilettos.
The Other Dad Who Also Paid Close Attention To Detail

This dad thought that maybe it would be too embarrassing for his kid if he shouted the actual word down the aisle, so he decided to disguise it a bit. Tampoooon is completely different and is basically a secret codeword so I think they're all safe from being embarrassed.
She Came So Quick She Forgot Her Teeth

They always say laughter and crippling social embarrassment at the hands of your undressed and de-toothed parent is the best medicine. Hopefully, the hospital understood the issue and didn't have to ask her too many questions.
The Unfortunately Brand-Savvy Paint Shopper

Well, let's think about this here. If paint prices are something these two regularly discuss together then the grandpa is going to understand what she's talking about. But we can pretty much assume that the rest of the hospital ward isn't, and honestly, the thought of their reactions brings me a lot of joy.
The Unfortunate Underage Timing Of Grandad's Lecture

This is the definition of bad luck. This is the scariest perfect storm that not many 15-year-olds could weather and I'm just happy this kid made it back home and didn't get reamed out. They truly deserve a medal for bravery.
Mom's Famous Raw Turnip Sandwiches

This person is making the best out of a hard situation and finding joy in the memory and we applaud them for that. Hopefully, the turnip sandwich tastes better retrospectively than it did at the moment.
The Dad Who Was Running A 10K After The Blessing

This is the definition of embarrassing your kid in front of everyone they know, and honestly, I respect him for it. He's on a schedule and he's got personal bests to beat, so the running leggings are going on under the garb and there's no person on Earth or heaven that can stop him.
The Dad At The Wrong Meeting For The Wrong Kid Apparently

I'm curious to know what exactly this parent was doing in this situation. Maybe he had a cold and had drank a bunch of Nyquil that hadn't worn off yet and he decided he was showing up to support his child and his astronaut dreams no matter what reality he was currently in.
The Lost 30-Year-Old Boy

Lost is lost. Doesn't matter if you're six or 36, if you get caught staring at the lobsters in the tank at the grocery store constructing little lives and drama for them in your head, you can always lose your mom. This mom is just looking out.
Supermarket Loudspeakers And Concerned Mothers Are A Perfect Storm

I hope it was verbatim too. The mom was concerned and ready to step in to make sure her kid arrived home safe and sound. This moment is equal parts embarrassing, touching, and the perfect motivation to invest in snow tires.
The Teacher Meeting Made More Interesting By Pants On Fire

Here's another parent-teacher interview made more interesting by a bold pant choice. Sure, they're no svelt leather pants, but pants that are on fire are a close second to the boldest clothing choice you can make.
Gassy Grandpa Saw An Opportunity And Took It

This is so peak dad humor that this is dad's dad humor. Grandpas will make those weird automotive fart jokes unapologetically to strangers that their sons wouldn't even dream of doing. It's performance art and I respect it.
The Gurellia Customer Complaint

This mom has the confidence that I want. Next time I have any complaints about an online order I'm just going to drive down to the store and rip them a new one over the loudspeaker too. Sure, it won't make the package come faster, but at least you'll finally get through to a customer service rep as they're kicking you out of the store.
The Dad Who Was Down For The Dress Code

This dad very literally is following their dress code. They said, "no jeans" and what did he give them? No jeans. Let the man in because he's a law-abiding citizen and he just wants to eat that lobster in his underwear. Is that so much to ask?
The 36-Year-Old Rebellious Stage

It's clearly never too late to embarrass your kids for their rebellious behavior. Although, at this point, it's not really rebellious so much as it is an adult life choice. But either way, at least this person didn't have to pay for a cab home at the end of the night.
The DIY Piano Stairs

This grandpa is making us recenter our perspective and focus in on the real social issues. Who cares about the hot air coming out of an old man when there could be a support beam that's about to give and kill us all? This is grounded thought at its finest.
The Mom Who's Up To Date On The Medical Records

Thanks for sharing mom, any other personal medical records you'd like to recall out loud on the spot? Any decade-old ones that you think are relevant? No? Glad you got it out of your system.