Man Won’t Give His Children Privacy Until They Can Support Themselves

There's a lot of responsibility that comes with being a parent. You are responsible for a child and that comes with many decisions you are required to make.

There's one dad on Twitter whose stance on the amount of privacy his children get has ruffled quite a few feathers.

Dad Shares His Thoughts

Man with black shirt and a gold chain looking into the camera.
Photo Credit: @krewseason / TikTok
Photo Credit: @krewseason / TikTok

Anthony C, or @TheTrillAC on Twitter, shared his thoughts on the amount of privacy that he gives his children.

The tweet was seen as controversial and resulted in thousands of likes, retweets, and responses.


No Privacy

Tweet: My children will get
Photo Credit: @TheTrillAC / Twitter
Photo Credit: @TheTrillAC / Twitter

In the tweet, Anthony says that his children will not receive any privacy until they are able to pay bills and feed themselves.


This parenting method may be shared by some, but not all.


Your House, Your Rules

Tweet: High five. That is exactly how we were brought, and we turned out to be decent adults and thriving. Yes, you run your show on your own house, my house my rules!
Photo Credit: @TheTrillAC / Twitter
Photo Credit: @TheTrillAC / Twitter

This user agreed with Anthony's approach to parenting.


They said that they were brought up in a similar way and they turned out to be a successful adult. Their house, their rules.


Not The Right Path

Tweet: They'll learn to pay bills and feed and feed themselves a lot faster if they're granted autonomy.
Photo Credit: @TheTrillAC / Twitter
Photo Credit: @TheTrillAC / Twitter

There were many other users who felt that this was not the proper way for their children to be brought up.


This user believes that if children can make their own decisions, they will be able to support themselves faster.


Going Wild

Tweet: Then be prepared for them to go buck wild as soon as they get out from under your control. I've seen it a thousand times. They need some autonomy so they can start learning things before they're out on their own.
Photo Credit: @TheTrillAC / Twitter
Photo Credit: @TheTrillAC / Twitter

This user was also advocating for the children to be able to make their own decisions but provided a different reason.


They think that this amount of control will result in them going wild after they are out of their parents' control.


Reason Lies Within

Tweet: He needs to deal with his control issues before bringing a life into this world
Photo Credit: @TheTrillAC / Twitter
Photo Credit: @TheTrillAC / Twitter

One user thinks that the reason for Anthony's parenting method goes a bit deeper.


They think that he may have control issues and believe he should deal with them before he becomes a parent. What do you think?